Big Black Fashion Show

Here we see Big Black strutting her stuff like all Fashionistas do. Is that even a word? I have no idea. And in retrospect, it probably shouldn’t be, but when you have words like “Chillax” and “Diphthong”, well, I guess anything goes.

Let’s watch.

I feel like I’m on an airline circa nineteen-hundred-and-mad-men waiting for my Old Fashioned served by a stewardess flight-attendant. Sorry. I’ll sit on the racist side of the bar. Wait a minute — that’s not racist … just old-fashioned! Ha! See what I did there?

Nish-nish. [phrase blatantly stolen from Hoffrey.]

P.S.: River Rat is not doing his duties. I’m very VERY disappointed.

Lash hat.

Here we see a fella going by the name of Tim Lash. I like short one-syllable names. It’s just a lot easier to remember, and it rolls off the tongue. Other fine examples are Bob Bone, John Rope, and Mike Phlegm. See? You remember these names already, right?

Here’s another name: Keith Yamamoto. Know how I remember this name? Yamamoto was the name of the commander-in-chief of the Japanese navy during WW II. I asked Wikipedia The Hoff. Yamamoto is also the name of Keith, although this particular Yamamoto is a little less ambitious. And I’m ok with that. KEEEEEEEITH!

Look at this guy (photo courtesy of RiverRat)! He looks like he just robbed a bank and got away with it or something. Oh yeah — it’s the hat. Nevermind.