Here’s Coulter looking like a complete freak.

… as he is wont to do. I blame the alcohol. Or his genes. Probably his genes. Or maybe the fact that he drinks Busch Light? Nah …

I’m not sure what is more disturbing: Forty, or the fact that he smokes “Kool” cigarettes. Really!? I suppose it’s better than Virginia Slims. Or in his case, West Virginia Stouts. Ha! See what I did there? I swear this blog just writes itself.

And speaking of Roman Helmets …

Here’s Forty looking tough and manly, until you realize he’s wearing a Roman Helmet. What’s a Roman Helmet, you say? Well, let’s let Urban Dictionary do the talking. Needless to say, when this new definition was discovered, The Rail turned into a bunch of little schoolgirls giggling and tittering about. Yeah — we’re a veritable 3rd grade class of scholars. Coulter even wrote a column about it. Sort of.